FUNDING FOR MISSIONPublished 13 Nov 2024
Are you looking for resources to aid in sharing the good news of Jesus and expressing the 'Five Marks of Mission'? There are funding options available from the Evangelism Grant of Glasgow Presbytery and the Church of Scotland's funding page. The Evangelism Grant forms can be found here:
Seeds for Growth is a relatively new fund set up to support the numerical and spiritual growth of the Church of Scotland through:
1. Developing mission through new worshipping communities
2. Developing and nurturing faith in those under the age of 40
3. Fostering discipleship and revitalisation within established congregations, with the aim of growing the existing congregation or developing a new worshipping community.
There are four levels of funding to match different stages and sizes of project and you can find out more here:
If you want to find out more about accessing funding, please get in touch with the Presbytery Office staff or the Mission, Pioneering and Planting committee.