Pioneering and Planting

FUNDING FOR MISSION 2 - Seeds for GrowthPublished 02 Dec 2024

FUNDING FOR MISSION 2 - Seeds for Growth Click to enlarge

The main fund the Church of Scotland has for resourcing initiative aimed at church growth is Seeds for Growth, with the main information page here: They have a list of the types of projects that have been funded and lots of helpful advice for developing new work that shares faith in Jesus Christ with those around us. There are an increasing number of applications coming in from around the Presbytery of Glasgow, which is encouraging to see!

The three areas that may be funded are developing mission through new church communities; developing and nurturing faith in those under the age of 40; and fostering discipleship and revitalisation within established congregations with the aim of growing the existing congregation or developing a new worshipping community. 

In the first instance contact but you can also dicsuss applications with the Pioneering and Planting Co-ordinator at Glasgow Presbytery. All levels require a Kirk Session minute and Presbytery support through the Mission, Pioneering and Planting committee. You will also need to complete income and expenditure tables.

Level 1 is for £1000 and level 2 is for £10,000 - these may be applied for at any time. Level 1 could include missional listening, training and small pilots.

Level 3 is for up to £40,000 per annum and level 4 is for up to £100,000 per annum for up to 3 years. These two levels have specific time windows for application and you will need to prepare an initial proposal form then a follow up form, so early contact with the Grants department is advised.

Applications at the higher levels should consider how to sustain the work once the funding period has ended, as the 'seed' is a starting point.

For a PDF outlining 60 other funders who may resource your work, please use this link: This includes the Benefact Trust as well as other Christian and secular funders.