Rev Timothy Sinclair
Furthers the mission of Jesus Christ through the work of congregations by implementing the approved Presbytery Mission Plan, enabling strategic deployment of resources for Christian worship and witness and community service and outreach.
Proactively implements the approved Presbytery Mission Plan as readjustments are triggered.
Operates under the Acts of the General Assembly regarding Presbytery Mission Planning, liaising with national agencies including the Faith Nurture Forum through its Presbytery Mission Plan Implementation Group, the General Trustees, the Solicitor of the Church and the Principal Clerk regarding bases of adjustment.
Participates in the Glasgow Presbytery vacancy procedures.
In consultation with the Ministries Committee, where appropriate, recommends to Presbytery the strategic deployment of Readers, Ordained Local Ministers and Auxiliary Ministers, with appropriate job descriptions, in accordance with the Presbytery Mission Plan.
Carries out placement reviews of Ordained Local Ministers, Readers and Auxiliary Ministers and reports strategic redeployment to Presbytery.
Draws up job descriptions for Ministries Development Staff (MDS) to be presented to Presbytery for approval in consultation with Priority Areas and the national HR department, where necessary.
Recommends to Presbytery, the approval of locally funded posts as required by the Presbytery Mission Plan Act.
Proposes to Presbytery adjustments to parish boundaries as required, following negotiation with local parties.
Advises the Property Committee on strategic implications of congregational applications to carry out work on church buildings.
Rev Timothy Sinclair
Mrs Claire Herbert DCS