Rev Mark McKeown
Enables and supports congregations in their calling to be the people of God in their own location; witnessing, caring and growing in the love and service of Christ, proclaiming the
forgiveness of sins and acceptance with God through faith in Christ, and the gift of Eternal life; and labouring for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.
Encourages congregations within Glasgow Presbytery to engage with existing mission initiatives and examples of good missional practice.
Relates new church initiatives to Glasgow Presbytery, such as Pioneer Ministry, Fresh Expressions and other mission initiatives.
Promotes and recommends the allocation of financial resources from sources such as the Evangelism Fund and other fund providers.
Provides and supports training in mission and evangelism.
Promotes and supports church planting, replanting and mission innovators (eg: Forge, Time to Grow) and make known the mission opportunities these organisations offer congregations in Presbytery.
Holds regular events to promote good missional practice through sharing of ideas and expertise.
Oversees Presbytery’s Pioneering and Planting partnerships, reporting annually on each to Presbytery.
Liaises with and supports the work of the Presbyteries Pioneering and Planting Co-ordinator.
Rev Mark McKeown
Rev James Gemmell