Two students about to enter the ministry of the Church of Scotland were honoured at a special service ay Hyndland Church. Fiona Crawford and James Gemmell have both graduated after three years studying at Glasgow University and will now serve their final placement in a local parish before going on to be ordained.
Fiona is a graduate of Glasgow School of Art and worked in financial services and in the public and voluntary sectors before spending four years as Strategy Officer with the Presbytery of Glasgow. Fiona said, “I’ve started probation in Carmunnock Parish Church as part of a pilot placing probationers in vacant charges with remote supervision. They have made me so welcome and I am really looking forward to our time together over the 15 months I am with them.”
James is following a family tradition as his father is a Church of Scotland minister. After graduating from Aberdeen University James worked in insurance before beginning his training for the ministry. James said, “I am looking forward to starting my probation period at Easterhouse Parish Church in August. I am sure that I will learn a lot from working with the minister and the congregation.”
Rev Dr Grant Barclay, Interim Clerk of Glasgow Presbytery, said, 'It encourages everyone across the church to see two people successfully complete their academic study to such a high standard as part of their training for ministry. Both have moved from other careers to serve the Church of Christ full time and to bring God's love to bear in places across Scotland. We believe Christ still calls people to serve his Church full-time and we wish Fiona and James God's blessing on their continued preparation for ministry in the months to come."