Clergy Well DayPublished 06 Mar 2025
A good and refreshing day was had by all who attended the recent Clergy Well-Being Day organised by Glasgow Church Leaders and supported by Glasgow Churches Together.
Participants gathered in the comfortable surroundings of the hall complex of Christ the King Roman Catholic Church (Carmunnock Road, Glasgow) and were guided through the day by guest speaker Rev Dr Gerard Fieldhouse-Byrne of St Luke's Centre, Manchester. Various aspects of self-care were addressed including physical, psychological, professional and spiritual dimensions.
A large part of the enjoyment and benefit of the Day came from the opportunity to worship, eat and converse with clergy colleagues from the five different Christian denominations represented. Friendships were renewed and established during this 'time out' which was appreciated by all those taking part. Time to connect with one another and with the God whom we worship is always time well-spent and brings a sense of renewal and strengthening for the task of ministry. Participants certainly found benefit from this 'day out'.
Plans are already being formed to have another conference day in February/March 2025 and it's definitely something to get into diaries when details are announced!