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Message from Moderator of Glasgow PresbyteryPublished 24 Jun 2020

Message from Moderator of Glasgow Presbytery Click to enlarge

I’m sure many of you will have seen variations of the following joke.

                Q             What’s the most useless possession of 2020?

                A             A wallplanner!

As I write this, almost halfway through 2020 we are still out of our church buildings, many people are still furloughed and we are just beginning to emerge from “lockdown”. 

At the beginning of the year nobody could have foreseen the way this year would pan out.  This is a reminder of the words written by James in his epistle when he warns us against boasting confidently about our plans and counsels “Instead, you ought to say “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”  As a Presbytery our confidence is not in plans but in the God whom we serve as we make plans. 

We serve a God who loves the world He has made and who loves the church of Jesus Christ.    Regardless of what the rest of the year looks like, may we live in the light of that love.

