Presbytery Welcomes Worship LeadersPublished 27 Jun 2022
At a time when the number of people entering the process to train as Candidates for the Church of Scotland ministry is at an all time low, the Presbytery of Glasgow has experienced a marked increase in the number of people coming forward to enter training to become authorised Worship Leaders.
The authorised Worship Leaders were recognised at the June meeting of the Glasgow Presbytery. Rev Hilary McDougall, Moderator of the Presbytery of Glasgow, said, “I am convinced, this is a movement of the Spirit; we see in our Worship Leaders, God finding new ways of reaching his people with his enduring Word. We see the people of God rising up to claim their gifting and to use it in his name. We have much to rejoice about and to give us hope.”
Glasgow Presbytery has trained its worship leaders in partnership with Trinity College, University of Glasgow and also through its own Word and Worship course, devised and facilitated by Rev Linda Walker.