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Glasgow 850 Close Knit Project Published 05 Mar 2025

Glasgow 850 Close Knit Project Click to enlarge

A thoroughly enjoyable and productive day took place at Wild Olive Cafe in St George's Tron Church on Sat 22nd February when folks from a number of different congregations dropped in for a time to take part in an event which is part of the Glasgow Presbytery Glasgow Close Knit project. This project is a contribution to the celebration of Glasgow 850 in which we mark the 850th anniversary of Glasgow becoming a Bishop's Burgh. It takes inspiration from the scripture verse which speaks of hearts being encouraged as they are knit together in love.

The church in Glasgow and surrounding areas continues to demonstrate the care and compassion for which Glasgow is known and which for many is rooted in a life of faith.

Blankets will be displayed later in the year and then distributed by Lodging House mission and others to those who need them.

There's still time to get involved.

Watch out for details of the next Knitting Together Day.